Burnished to Reflect

“Plate in progress with burnishing tools”

Metal, graphite, leather, clay and paper all by the nature of their wayward exterior molecules take reflected light and cast it away from view giving the impression of dullness.  Heavy repeated pressure aligns those surface molecules to create a glossy plane to shine light back and reveal the full form and character of the shape under the surface.

For artists, pressures from deadlines, wants, and both internal and external expectations can be rough to go through.  A positive take on this is to look on the bright side.  See the process as a chance for the artist’s character to shine.

For us, playful creativity is the light that shows the polished places.  Self-discipline and a stern sense of professionalism can carry a project from the drawing board to the display pedestal.  Bouts of playful creativity are what make artists rush with eagerness to peek in the kiln or delight in a fresh sketchpad.  A heap of leftover fiber can become an idea for a series of blog spots (oops! spoiler alert).   Even dull or mundane activities can become inspiration for artistry when there is playful creativity at some point in the process.

Creativity also strengthens our foundation and core, but those are topics for future blogs!

We hope readers feel encouraged, when life feels lackluster or pressured, to look for their own ways to bring playful creativity into their studio  life.