Warmish/Coolish – Part II: Nuances and Options

“White Hydrangea Sepals – Light Study”

Warmish/Coolish, Part I examples

Warmish/Coolish Parts I & II took hours to prepare.  What a lot of work for curiousity’s sake!  Of course, it is practical to increase one’s knowledge base when learning new techniques.

Consider this though, making choices is the fun part of Creativity, selecting among the choices is the skill-building part of Artistry, learning from that discernment is the growth part of Professionalism.

You’ve probably already discovered for yourself that trying new things can help when stalled out in the studio.  This approach also works when your destination ahead is too certain.  Spend some time creating options for the sake of choosing.*   You may still stay with the original idea, but you have come from a different direction to get there and along the way enriched your perspective.   Notice the enlargement used to lead into this post is the original photograph!


*P.S. Disregard this advice if you have a pressing DEADLINE!!!!!!!  And we wish you lots of luck on it!