Happy 4th of July – Part II: Technical Follow-Up

Sometimes everything works out the first time.

Right time + right place + right camera settings = Happy Photographer!

The flag photographs for the 4th of July post have not had any post camera work.  The 3rd photograph is flipped for the waving flag layout.



What a brief technical follow-up!  But wait, there’s more . . .

Isn’t Creativity’s favorite question “What if?”?

So, in the spirit of “What if?” we tried out these Photoshop filters to see what the results would be.



(Filter, Artistic, Brushstrokes, Sprayed Strokes, Flipped)

As an enlargement this flag looks like it was sewn out of terry cloth.



Now that’s Flag Waving!

(Filter, Distort, Wave Selection)




(Filter, Texture, Stained Glass)





(Filter, Chrome)





“Star-Spangled Abstract” (Enlarged, Cropped, Rotated part of Chrome filtered version above)

“What if?” can certainly take artwork in an unexpected direction.  Possibly leading to a future blog post theme!