We interrupt this series on Spinning Color exercises to bring you this special message:

We’re all ready to cook up some “Ghost Boo-ya-base” for Halloween!

Thank you!  We now return to the originally scheduled postings . . .

In Praise of the “UNDO” Button (or, how to succeed while trying)

“Eraser Still-Life”  various erasers from our studios, “Dodge” feature example

While learning about unfamiliar Photoshop options for our digital photographs the “undo” button has become our most used option.  For those unfamiliar with this feature,  it erases experiments so it is risk-free to try out all sorts of new looks for a photograph.  Click on “Edit” at the top of the screen, click on “Undo” when it shows up and Voila! the photograph is ready to try something  else wild.

When clay is going the wrong direction with a project it is a simple matter of rewedging.  With knitting, “tink”* is the new word for unknitting.  With crochet, one tug on the strand and it ravels as if watching animation.  Drawing not making the mark?  Turn the paper over and start afresh.  Is the typewriter spewing drivel?  Zip out that paper, tear it up, toss it in the blender with water and make a cast-pulp sculpture tribute to your Muse.

Creativity is a PROCESS.  Sometimes it seems one step forward and 90 steps backwards.  Well, isn’t that choreography? – ah ha! more creativity!

Is this a clever pep talk about overcoming fear of failure?  Nope.  That is a travail each artist faces solo, usually in the wee hours of a starless night.  This is a nudge to move from “Gee, I wish I could (_fill in the blank_)” to in-it-up-to-your-elbows-invested in your Dream action!






*spell it backwards and it will make sense