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“Rhinestone New Year!”

This is really a pep talk about reengaging creative joy during times of stagnation.

How many of you have boxes (or drawers, sacks, heaps . . .) full of art and craft supplies that are being saved for that special, ultimate project?  We have treasures in our supplies.  Some are waiting for the time or additional supplies to carry out that blast of inspiration.  Some are received from artists who have cleared out those boxes (or drawers, sacks, heaps . . .)  Occasionally, those articles seem glued to the original idea or plan.

One way to revitalize enthusiasm for art supplies is to unpack them for a play session.  This is what we did with these strands of rhinestones.  The background is hand-dyed silk velvet and made a wonderful contrast to experiment with lighting on the metal and glass.  The velvet was also a surface that let the strands be smoothly pulled and swirled into new images.

Without the pressure of a finished project, ideas flowed from one to another.  We have the photographs to spark future projects.  Plus, we still have those strands to carefully pack away until it is their turn to make the special, ultimate project!