Yellow, Red, Orange – Part II: Working Title


“Photoshop vs. Nature:  Smack-down in the Garden!” . . .  catchy  right?  This was our Tale’s first title.

We wanted an interesting presentation to show a sampling of  post-photography color changes.

A. As the camera saw it B. Brush, color replaceC. Adjust hue/saturationD. Paintbucket

However, as these wonderful sunflowers grew, this working title didn’t really match the garden’s mood.

When our Garden-Enthusiast Neighbor and her husband put up this netting to protect the sunflower bed from local wildlife, the young plants looked like toddlers peeking their noses over a playpen as they grew.

Then, as the flowers inspired photographs like these . . .

. . . the gist of the tale gradually became a moment of inner conflict on the path to maturity for the young “teen”flowers.

There is a certain irony with the plot of the tale, since photographing the flowers was actually the most peaceful time of the workday!